Wednesday, June 16, 2010

If You are Not Satisfied with the State of Things...

...than do something about it! This blog will help you.

I apologize that I have not kept this blog up. I hope to do more with it in the coming months. However, this blog is not a continuance of the story of my testimony of salvation. No, this blog is a plea with you (Beloved of God), a declaration over you and a shout of victory and celebration because I am married to my True Love!

I have just recently come into more knowledge about the state of our country, our state, and the Body of Christ. What I have learned is nothing new. In fact you may have heard some of it already, and it is also possible that (like myself) the Lord has already prepared you for this message.

I don't want to sit idly by and watch my country sink into the state of the rest of the world, neither do I want to see my beloved Church become nothing more than lukewarm idolaters that get spit out of God's mouth, and I certainly don't want to bury my head in the sand and hope things will just take care of themselves. If I bury my head in the sand, the enemy will easily come up and slice my body right off of my head. That won't do.

If you feel the same way, you are going to want to keep reading. If you would rather not deal with the battle at hand, please feel free to close this window.

If you received a message from me directing you to this blog it is because I think that either you can handle this message, or I just desperately want you to! I love you, and I want to be united with you in the Kingdom (as Jesus prayed, let God's will be done ON EARTH --as it is-- in Heaven!) So let's start living in the Kingdom already!

Okay, now to the point of the message:

Note: I have provided the links with all the relevant documents for this message, which will take you to the website where all the forms can be downloaded in PDF format and read/shared.

Apostle John Benefield came to my church with a message he put together from teachings, prophecies and research from the Beginning of the earth until today concerning the United States and the Strongman Baal. If you do a study on Baal from the Bible, you may (like John Benefield, , Lou Engle, Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce, Billy Graham, Derek Prince and many other of today's spiritual leaders) come to the conclusion that Baal (and the 1,000 plus forms thereof) is the Strongman over the U.S., having authority and a throne here.

Do not despair! Realize: God has a plan for you, His Beloved, for this Earth which He created and loves, and this country, which He established! That said, understand that you have an active part in restoring all of this!

I am not going to completely summarize the teaching on Baal, mostly because even a summary would take a couple posts, I think (and I think Dutch Sheets and Derek Prince do a much better job at abridging the massive amount of information on this subject). But I will give a brief introduction to it: Baal is the god that Jezebel worshipped. The priests of Baal were the ones Elijah slayed and during that time the female counterpart of Baal, Ashtoreth was being worshipped with all sorts of witchcraft and sexually immoral acts. Baal is called the god of 1,000 faces (some of its names are listed in the document summarizing Dutch Sheets' teaching) and is characterized by sun/moon worship, violence, sexual impurity and immorality, human sacrifice, wealth and abundance (not the Kingdom wealth and abundance given by God--we are not called to be poor--but the kind of wealth Satan promised Jesus if Jesus would bow down to him in the Great Temptation), and has both a male and female personality as well as Leviathan.

The Israelites were constantly being tempted by Baal (and all the other names and entities under Baal) to divorce God and align themselves with it. That is even summarized by God in Hosea. The United States and the Church have had the same issue, but now God is moving! He is calling us back to Him just like He did in Hosea, and He is orchestrating a great divorcing of Baal among His people and our governments, and a re-marriage to Him!

I have already gone through this ceremony and will begin my life-long process of staying pure and true to God. I may stumble, I may not, but I will keep coming back to my God, my King, my Husband. That is my vow, which I am sharing with you. In the ceremony, I also took a vow to be in a covenant forever with Him, and to lead a righteous and Holy life. I am excited! I hope you'll join me.

Now, as far as the state of the States: I think John Benefield said it was Billy Graham that quoted,
"The American Indian tribes in whole are like a sleeping giant.  The people of the United States will not experience revival or awakening until they do."

It makes sense, because they were here first: God placed them here first. Apostle Benefield made some other statements that really opened up my eyes to what I already knew: the treatment of the American Indians was almost exactly like the German holocaust. In fact, he claims, Hitler studied what we did to the American Indians to design the concentration camps and ghettos of the holocaust. That is so messed up! If you don't believe me, study American Indian history.

Derek Prince, in his teaching on this talks about 2 Samuel when there was a famine in Israel for three long years with no break. It was during the reign of King David (the man after God's own heart!) When David finally questioned God about it, God revealed to him that it was because of a covenant Joshua (who led the Israelites into the Promised land) made with the Gibeonites (non-Jews), which King Saul (400 years later) broke. 30-40 years later, because neither Saul nor David took responsibility for that breaking, the land began to manifest the judgement for that broken covenant. David did end up doing what he had to do to get forgiveness from the Gibeonites, and then start getting the ear of God again. If you wonder what I meant by that read 2 Samuel 21, or Derek Prince's teaching.

The United States government has issued an apology in law to the American Indian peoples, and settled for monies that our government mismanaged over the years to be dispersed over time. The apology was not made over public media, which I think would be really the quickest and most healing way, but it was done! I think that is why God is now listening to our prayers and healing our land. There is more to do though before things are completed. We can't just pray. We have to humble ourselves, seek God's face, repent and worship our God.

I know you didn't have anything to do with hurting the American Indians, and that you don't purposely align yourself with any God but Yahweh and our betrothed, Jesus, and neither have I! But I am willing to repent of any ignorant sin, and I am willing to stand in the gap for my ancestors to make it right with the American Indians. I will do whatever it takes to restore my land, to restore my Church, to restore my family and make the way for my descendants to be free and favored! I would die for you, and for this country, because of God's love! Not just my own.

So this is my declaration over you: You will be free and favored by the Lord our God, Jesus Christ and our Father the Creator of all and His Holy Spirit. I declare that God will open your eyes and ears to the truth whether you receive this message or not, and whether you open the links and learn more about what I'm talking about and divorce Baal and re-marry God right now or NOT! I declare that Yahweh will call you His people, and you will call Him your God. I declare that God will meet you in the quiet place and reveal great mysteries to you, and to your family, and that He will lead you in the actions to take based on that knowledge! Bless you! And Bless You God, Holy One and Mighty Deliverer!

1 comment:

ShofarSong said...

I don't know why, but my links didn't post. Hmmm. Anyway, you can google 'Divorcing Baal" and I am sure it will pop up.


And They Wonder Why I'm a Jesus Freak....

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ShofarSong, aka Elizabeth Walker is a student of ministry and worship leader at Morning Star University.


Psalm 119:11

I have hid Thy Word in My Heart that I Might Not Sin Against Thee....

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