Tuesday, October 19, 2010

In the Beginning, Mankind had an Overwhelming Desire...

...which was to be like God. Present day, this desire hasn't changed. We still want to be like God. Adam and Eve were already more like God than they knew: not only made in Their image, but also in that they were too innocent to be selfish. (On one hand, one could argue that Adam and Eve's innocence wasn't enough to keep them from disobedience. Alas, it was their very innocence that caused them to disobey. Adam and Eve were the very first humans. Not only were they made from the Earth, but they were the most "fertile soil" humans have ever been. Thus, when the serpent sowed his seeds of deception, they took root in Eve and blossomed so quickly it was utterly overwhelming. When she turned and passed those seeds of deception to her husband, he likewise became overwhelmed with that desire.) God has shown His character to us--He has shown time and again that He, being the fulness of Love, is utterly Selfless.

Consider the covenants He has made with His people. Consider Abraham. In the near Eastern tradition, when two people made a covenant (lending money or paying a debt, etc...), they would cut an animal in half, and as the blood flowed the lesser of the two people (the borrower) would walk between the pieces, pass through the blood and say, "Let it be unto me or worse if I do not fulfill my vow." How is it that the Creator of All, so much Greater than we could ever imagine, MADE HIMSELF LESSER as He walked between the pieces of the livestock Abram had cut in half. We can almost hear Him saying, "Let this be unto me or worse if I do not fulfill the covenant I make with you today, Abraham."


WOW. Can you imagine that? Jesus was not the first example of God's humility. God has ALWAYS been humble! In His fierce and Holy nature He is humble and merciful. He is love. Now we have a new covenant, and Jesus is called the gaurantor and the mediator of that covenant. This time, Jesus did not simply walk through the blood of the sacrificed animals. Nay--Jesus let himself be cut, and though He humbled Himself and was mocked and beaten and scarred--it is we who walk through the blood. But this blood covers us. It covers us so that we are not even recognizable. Jesus already fulfilled His covenant when He died and rose again. The veil is torn. Sin is triumphed over. We are free. Now, He is making us spotless so that we can be ready for the celebration of our next covenant: marriage with Him.

I say, "Jesus, let it be unto me or worse if I forsake my vow, that I am Yours." I am Yours, Jesus. And my heart's desire--to be like Him and be with Him will be met as I make myself the lesser--walk in Love with selflessness and humility. Walk in the fierceness of a Holy Warrior, empowered by the Holy Spirit of God, empowered by LOVE Himself. Already, I am more like God than I think. Jesus is in me, and God sees Himself when He sees me. I don't have to strive anymore. I can die every day to my flesh, as I am dead to sin, but it is all fulfilled in the blood of the Lamb. The blood of the covenant. All I have to do is walk with God.

Thank You God, for desiring me above all else...for counting my life as more valuable than Your own. Thank You for coming to get me--for rescuing me from sin and death. Thank You for making such Grand Gestures to show Your deep and unrelenting love for Me. Let's take a walk. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

If You are Not Satisfied with the State of Things...

...than do something about it! This blog will help you.

I apologize that I have not kept this blog up. I hope to do more with it in the coming months. However, this blog is not a continuance of the story of my testimony of salvation. No, this blog is a plea with you (Beloved of God), a declaration over you and a shout of victory and celebration because I am married to my True Love!

I have just recently come into more knowledge about the state of our country, our state, and the Body of Christ. What I have learned is nothing new. In fact you may have heard some of it already, and it is also possible that (like myself) the Lord has already prepared you for this message.

I don't want to sit idly by and watch my country sink into the state of the rest of the world, neither do I want to see my beloved Church become nothing more than lukewarm idolaters that get spit out of God's mouth, and I certainly don't want to bury my head in the sand and hope things will just take care of themselves. If I bury my head in the sand, the enemy will easily come up and slice my body right off of my head. That won't do.

If you feel the same way, you are going to want to keep reading. If you would rather not deal with the battle at hand, please feel free to close this window.

If you received a message from me directing you to this blog it is because I think that either you can handle this message, or I just desperately want you to! I love you, and I want to be united with you in the Kingdom (as Jesus prayed, let God's will be done ON EARTH --as it is-- in Heaven!) So let's start living in the Kingdom already!

Okay, now to the point of the message:

Note: I have provided the links with all the relevant documents for this message, which will take you to the website where all the forms can be downloaded in PDF format and read/shared.

Apostle John Benefield came to my church with a message he put together from teachings, prophecies and research from the Beginning of the earth until today concerning the United States and the Strongman Baal. If you do a study on Baal from the Bible, you may (like John Benefield, , Lou Engle, Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce, Billy Graham, Derek Prince and many other of today's spiritual leaders) come to the conclusion that Baal (and the 1,000 plus forms thereof) is the Strongman over the U.S., having authority and a throne here.

Do not despair! Realize: God has a plan for you, His Beloved, for this Earth which He created and loves, and this country, which He established! That said, understand that you have an active part in restoring all of this!

I am not going to completely summarize the teaching on Baal, mostly because even a summary would take a couple posts, I think (and I think Dutch Sheets and Derek Prince do a much better job at abridging the massive amount of information on this subject). But I will give a brief introduction to it: Baal is the god that Jezebel worshipped. The priests of Baal were the ones Elijah slayed and during that time the female counterpart of Baal, Ashtoreth was being worshipped with all sorts of witchcraft and sexually immoral acts. Baal is called the god of 1,000 faces (some of its names are listed in the document summarizing Dutch Sheets' teaching) and is characterized by sun/moon worship, violence, sexual impurity and immorality, human sacrifice, wealth and abundance (not the Kingdom wealth and abundance given by God--we are not called to be poor--but the kind of wealth Satan promised Jesus if Jesus would bow down to him in the Great Temptation), and has both a male and female personality as well as Leviathan.

The Israelites were constantly being tempted by Baal (and all the other names and entities under Baal) to divorce God and align themselves with it. That is even summarized by God in Hosea. The United States and the Church have had the same issue, but now God is moving! He is calling us back to Him just like He did in Hosea, and He is orchestrating a great divorcing of Baal among His people and our governments, and a re-marriage to Him!

I have already gone through this ceremony and will begin my life-long process of staying pure and true to God. I may stumble, I may not, but I will keep coming back to my God, my King, my Husband. That is my vow, which I am sharing with you. In the ceremony, I also took a vow to be in a covenant forever with Him, and to lead a righteous and Holy life. I am excited! I hope you'll join me.

Now, as far as the state of the States: I think John Benefield said it was Billy Graham that quoted,
"The American Indian tribes in whole are like a sleeping giant.  The people of the United States will not experience revival or awakening until they do."

It makes sense, because they were here first: God placed them here first. Apostle Benefield made some other statements that really opened up my eyes to what I already knew: the treatment of the American Indians was almost exactly like the German holocaust. In fact, he claims, Hitler studied what we did to the American Indians to design the concentration camps and ghettos of the holocaust. That is so messed up! If you don't believe me, study American Indian history.

Derek Prince, in his teaching on this talks about 2 Samuel when there was a famine in Israel for three long years with no break. It was during the reign of King David (the man after God's own heart!) When David finally questioned God about it, God revealed to him that it was because of a covenant Joshua (who led the Israelites into the Promised land) made with the Gibeonites (non-Jews), which King Saul (400 years later) broke. 30-40 years later, because neither Saul nor David took responsibility for that breaking, the land began to manifest the judgement for that broken covenant. David did end up doing what he had to do to get forgiveness from the Gibeonites, and then start getting the ear of God again. If you wonder what I meant by that read 2 Samuel 21, or Derek Prince's teaching.

The United States government has issued an apology in law to the American Indian peoples, and settled for monies that our government mismanaged over the years to be dispersed over time. The apology was not made over public media, which I think would be really the quickest and most healing way, but it was done! I think that is why God is now listening to our prayers and healing our land. There is more to do though before things are completed. We can't just pray. We have to humble ourselves, seek God's face, repent and worship our God.

I know you didn't have anything to do with hurting the American Indians, and that you don't purposely align yourself with any God but Yahweh and our betrothed, Jesus, and neither have I! But I am willing to repent of any ignorant sin, and I am willing to stand in the gap for my ancestors to make it right with the American Indians. I will do whatever it takes to restore my land, to restore my Church, to restore my family and make the way for my descendants to be free and favored! I would die for you, and for this country, because of God's love! Not just my own.

So this is my declaration over you: You will be free and favored by the Lord our God, Jesus Christ and our Father the Creator of all and His Holy Spirit. I declare that God will open your eyes and ears to the truth whether you receive this message or not, and whether you open the links and learn more about what I'm talking about and divorce Baal and re-marry God right now or NOT! I declare that Yahweh will call you His people, and you will call Him your God. I declare that God will meet you in the quiet place and reveal great mysteries to you, and to your family, and that He will lead you in the actions to take based on that knowledge! Bless you! And Bless You God, Holy One and Mighty Deliverer!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Virg Bernero Said it Right "Gasp!"

So...you've probably never thought you'd ever hear me say that. Well I didn't say it, I typed it. I didn't vote for Virg Bernero in the last mayoral election, then again I can't vote in the Lansing elections because I am a resident of Dewitt Township.

However, if I had been able to vote, I would not have voted for Mayor Bernero. I have my reasons. Whatever my own political views, I cannot discount anything the Lord does, and He will use whomever He chooses, whenever He chooses, wherever He chooses, to accomplish His will. That is exactly what happened yesterday....

Yesterday was the annual Church of Greater Lansing food drop, a gathering of believers who come together in unity for a single day and bring food to a list of people who sign up to receive it. Yes, this event is limited to one day per year. Anyway, the event was quite a success, an accomplishment if you will. Much money was raised, which very much blessed the Mid-Michigan Food Pantry Network. It also blessed the 2,800 families that received a box of goods.

Before the 1.000+ Christians of a variety of denominations got in their cars and drove house to house delivering food and praying over the families (such a great idea!), there was a rally that served many a purpose. I think one of the reasons was to unite us in heart and mind, and send us out under a prayer covering with Jesus before our eyes.

12 leaders, religious and political sat onstage in the MSU auditorium where we were gathered for worship and hype-building, and each of them were given the opportunity to speak. Each leader spoke purposefully and eloquently, patting us on the back until we glowed with excited self-righteousness and pride. A couple of the leaders brought things back to Jesus and how proud He would be of what we were doing. One leader just brought it back to Jesus; that was nice. God in His cool, funny, ironic way chose to speak through none of them. Instead, He chose the one person who seemed to be there for all the wrong reasons. I am sure many in the crowds thought that Mayor Bernero was at the rally for political reasons, which he might very well have been. Some might have been confused as to why he was there at all. However, our much criticised and seemingly flop-headed city leader opened his mouth and said what needed so badly to be said,

"You may have a neighbor who needs a shoulder to cry on. Maybe their house is in forclosure, or maybe there are some other reasons why they might need a helping hand. There are others around you in your community who need your help. Friends and family...a complete stranger. These people might need food or financial support, or just a kind word."*

Wow! Wow. Mayor Bernero really hit the nail on the head. Although what we were doing yesterday was a noble effort and a very good deed, and most likely ministered to anyone who heard of it, saw it or participated in it, I think it is rather important that we believers were exhorted to continue those good works in our daily lives.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am sure that there are those who do good works daily, who help their neighbors, or their families, or their friends, or maybe even strangers. However, from my personal observations, we Christians could be doing a lot more of loving others as ourselves. We do so much, it's true. Christians are some of the busiest people on earth! At least American Christians are (I can't rightly say what Christians are like in other countries, seeing as how I haven't lived among them).

If only we remembered that Jesus Himself summed up the entire law of God. In Matthew chapter 22, the Pharisees and Sadducees question Jesus about the commandments asking, "Which is the greatest?" Jesus replied, "Love God with all your heart and soul and mind. This is the great and first commandment. The second is like it, Love your neighbor as yourself...."

When asked by a lawyer, "And who is my neighbor?" Jesus told the parable about the good Samaritan. You can read it in Luke chapter 10. The reason the Samaritan was the injured man's neighbor was because he had compassion on him. This passage used to confuse me. I thought, does this mean that my neighbors are only those who show compassion towards me, and they are the ones I should love as myself? That sounds too easy. Plus, Jesus tells us to love our enemies, because there is a reward in it. Now I believe that it isn't about distinguishing who is your neighbor, and who is not. I believe that the parable's point is that we should be neighborly to others; we should have compassion. The Samaritan had compassion on his enemy...on the one who if not injured may have sought to cause the Samaritan injury!

This is the revelation that came to me from God through Virg. What a laugh! I am only seeing in part, of course, and who knows all that God did yesterday? It sure felt good to be in a united part of the body. Even if it was only for a day. It was a taste of what things will be like when Jesus returns to reign! Oh, words cannot express my excitement! I felt as if we could take on anything! So many divisions in the Body...so many denominations. Yet, for whatever reason each individual had for being there, we were together again and it was amazing!

In closing, I was exhorted by God yesterday, to take an account of my deeds. If faith without deeds is dead, no wonder it is so hard to be faithful! It is up to me to start showing God's love, and my own love to others in need. It is up to me to show love to my enemies. I pray that the Lord will fill me up with greater portions of love, that He will increase the love He has placed in me already, and that He will make me fall deeper in love with Him. He is so worthy of the deepest love, and He gives it! Thank you Jesus, Yahweh, Holy Spirit! Amen.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Who do you want to be?

Wow...God is amazing. I love it when He pours out revelation. Today there were many...but one came with conviction.

When Jesus walked the earth, He acquired more disciples than the initial 12. Some of His other disciples are mentioned briefly in the texts. The rest were called "The crowds." I have a choice. I can be as close to God as humanly possible on earth (think Enoch!) and live entirely for Him; I could be quite devoted and offer a lot of my time and resources to His good works; or I could come out once in a while to hear Him speak or see His good deeds.

I am sure this is not a new revelation. However, it really encouraged me to stay on the track I am already on. I decided a little after I gave my heart to Jesus (for real this time), that I would also give Him all of my hopes and dreams and plans. I decided I wanted to live for God, and offer Him my entire life. It wasn't as easy done as said, but over the years, the Lord has systematically removed the obstacles from my life that kept me from that (He said He would give me the desires of my heart, and I desire to love for Him.) It's been a hard road, but very rich and rewarding and oft-times beautiful.

Sometimes when obstacles were removed, it really had a lot more to do with my devotion to the flesh, and oppression through fear (fear of man mostly,) and those ones really hurt. But many times, as in with this recent revelation, God has gently and kindly changed my heart and mind. I love Him so much more because of that. I love that my God is gentle. In the last few months, I finally feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I am supposed to do. It is such a wonderful feeling! However, it took humility and sacrificing the desires of my flesh to get there! These past couple of weeks, though, going through some really hard times I have started to doubt if I am on the right track. It doesn't make logical sense, but when we are vulnerable, deception and confusion, fear and doubt like to make themselves known. Ew.

God came to my rescue as usual, and straightened my paths. Who do I want to be? I can let myself get very busy, and quickly become part of the "crowd." I can put one foot in the sea, and one on shore, and try very hard to walk in both and become one of the "aware but barely there," or I can do what my heart desires to do and really live for Him! I can give Him all of myself! I can hate the world, and hate my life and gain it all! I can love God above all others! can fear God, and not man! I can forsake logic and common sense, and normalness, and comfort, and everything else for my God. I want to be a star. I don't mean getting a bunch of glory and being a celebrity. Forget that! I mean, I want to be so sold out to Jesus, that He can use me for anything, from the lowliest tasks to signs and wonders. Whatever plans God has for me...whatever my story ends up being...all I hope is that when I switch over to the heavenly chapters, I can look back over my earthly texts and know that I didn't live for myself.


And They Wonder Why I'm a Jesus Freak....

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ShofarSong, aka Elizabeth Walker is a student of ministry and worship leader at Morning Star University.


Psalm 119:11

I have hid Thy Word in My Heart that I Might Not Sin Against Thee....

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