Friday, June 12, 2009

Testimony in Short

First, everything was bright
and then began to dim
an invitation was sought
aquiescence horror wrought

As darkness covered light
the tears began to swim
as flesh and spirit fought
time was Divinely bought

A promise once obtained
amidst great expectation
was cashed in for a life
a pure and spotless wife

A prisoner unchained
devoid of affectation
leaving behind pain and strife
took up both tabour and fife

Joy accompanied She
with unfettered praises
followed humbly after Truth,
Wisdom, Love and Light forsooth!

Never again did she bow to Fear
With new eyes to see and ears to hear

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And They Wonder Why I'm a Jesus Freak....

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ShofarSong, aka Elizabeth Walker is a student of ministry and worship leader at Morning Star University.


Psalm 119:11

I have hid Thy Word in My Heart that I Might Not Sin Against Thee....

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